Wordpress interview questions

Top 40 WordPress Interview Questions: Beginner to Advanced Level

Having a strong online presence has become crucial for businesses of all sizes. From small startups to multinational corporations, everyone needs a website that is not only visually appealing but also easy to manage and scalable. And there’s one tool that does it. WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system (CMS). According to recent statistics, WordPress powers over 43.5% of all websites on the internet, making it a highly sought-after skill in the job market.

So, mastering WordPress can open doors to a wide range of job opportunities. In this blog, we will walk you through the top 50 WordPress interview questions that will prepare you for your next interview, no matter your experience level.

We’ve divided the questions into three categories: Fresher, Intermediate, and Advanced, so you can focus on the areas most relevant to your current skill set.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites with ease. It was initially designed as a blogging platform but has since evolved into a flexible CMS used for various types of websites, including eCommerce, portfolios, business sites, and more.

Whether you’re a beginner learning WordPress for the first time or an experienced developer aiming to showcase your expertise, you’ll likely face a mix of questions related to the platform’s core features, plugins, themes, and more during your interview.

Let’s dive in!

Wordpress interview questions

Fresher Level WordPress Interview Questions

1. What is WordPress?

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows users to create, manage, and update websites without needing to know how to code. 

2. What are the key features of WordPress?

WordPress offers user-friendly content management, themes and plugins for customization, SEO-friendly tools, and strong community support.

3. What is the Difference Between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?

WordPress.org is a self-hosted platform where users have full control over their website, while WordPress.com is a hosted platform where features are limited, especially in the free version.

4. How can you install WordPress?

There are three primary methods:

  • One-click installation via hosting providers
  • Manual installation by downloading the WordPress package from WordPress.org and uploading it via FTP
  • Localhost installation for local development using software like XAMPP or MAMP.

5. What is a WordPress Theme?

A theme is a collection of templates and stylesheets used to define the appearance and display of a WordPress website.

6. What Are Plugins in WordPress?

Plugins are code packages that extend and enhance the functionality of WordPress. They allow you to add new features, improve existing ones, or alter the behavior of your website without modifying the core WordPress code.

7. What is a widget in WordPress?

Widgets are small blocks that perform specific functions. They can be added to various sections of a WordPress website, such as sidebars and footers.

8. What is a permalink?

A permalink is the permanent URL of a post or page on your WordPress site. It can be customized to be SEO-friendly.

9. How can you create a new page in WordPress?

Navigate to the Pages section in the WordPress dashboard, click on “Add New,” then create and publish your page.

10. What is the WordPress dashboard?

The dashboard is the control panel of a WordPress site. It provides access to all settings, pages, posts, and customization options.

11. What is a custom post type in WordPress?

A custom post type is a specific type of content, such as “Portfolio” or “Testimonials,” that can be created beyond the default post types like “Posts” and “Pages.”

12. What is a shortcode in WordPress?

A shortcode is a small piece of code enclosed in brackets, [like this], that allows you to perform functions easily within posts or pages without writing any actual code.

13. How do you schedule posts in WordPress?

You can schedule posts by clicking on the “Publish” option within the post editor, selecting “Schedule,” and then choosing your desired publication date and time.

14. What is the role of a WordPress administrator?

An administrator has the highest level of access in WordPress. They can add, edit, and delete posts, pages, and users, as well as install themes and plugins.

15. How do you update WordPress?

You can update WordPress by going to the Dashboard > Updates section and following the prompts to update your WordPress core, themes, or plugins.

Intermediate Level WordPress Interview Questions

For those with some experience working with WordPress, you’ll encounter more in-depth questions related to customization, troubleshooting, and development.

16. What is a child theme in WordPress?

A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality and styling of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes allow you to modify or add to the parent theme’s functionality without altering its files directly.

17. How do you create a child theme?

To create a child theme, create a new folder in the wp-content/themes/ directory, and add two files: style.css and functions.php. In the style.css, you must include the template header to reference the parent theme.

18. How do you improve the performance of a WordPress site?

  • Use a caching plugin (e.g., W3 Total Cache)
  • Optimize images using tools like Smush or TinyPNG
  • Minimize CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN)
  • Choose a reliable hosting provider.

19. What is the loop in WordPress?

The loop is a PHP code used by WordPress to display posts. It processes each post to display content based on specific conditions.

20. What are custom fields in WordPress?

Custom fields allow users to add metadata to their posts and pages, which can be used to display additional information dynamically.

21. What is the difference between pages and posts in WordPress?

Pages are typically used for static content (like “About Us” or “Contact” pages), while posts are used for dynamic, time-sensitive content (like blog posts).

22. How can you create a custom post type in WordPress?

You can create a custom post type by adding a function in your theme’s functions.php file using the register_post_type() function.

23. What is a taxonomy in WordPress?

A taxonomy is a way of grouping posts together. WordPress provides two default taxonomies: categories and tags. You can also create custom taxonomies for specific post types.

24. How do you add custom scripts to WordPress?

To add custom scripts, enqueue them in the functions.php file using the wp_enqueue_script() function.

25. How do you change the permalink structure of your WordPress site?

Navigate to Settings > Permalinks in the WordPress dashboard and choose a new permalink structure from the available options or create a custom one.

26. What are hooks in WordPress?

Hooks are functions that allow you to modify or add functionality to WordPress without changing core files. There are two types of hooks: Actions (which perform tasks at specific points in WordPress) and Filters (which modify data before it is displayed).

27. What is a multisite in WordPress?

A multisite is a feature that allows you to run multiple WordPress websites from a single installation. This is useful for managing multiple sites from one dashboard.

28. What is the wp-config.php file?

The wp-config.php file contains configuration details for your WordPress site, such as database settings, secret keys, and other crucial information.

29. How do you backup a WordPress site?

You can manually back up your site by exporting the database and copying all files from your WordPress directory. Alternatively, you can use plugins like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy for automatic backups.

30. How do you secure a WordPress site?

  • Use a strong password and two-factor authentication (2FA)
  • Install a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri
  • Keep WordPress, themes, and plugins up to date
  • Limit login attempts
  • Use SSL encryption.

Advanced Level WordPress Interview Questions

For experienced WordPress developers and experts, interviewers will likely ask more technical and complex questions that dive deeper into custom development, database management, and WordPress architecture.

31. What is the WP REST API, and how is it used?

The WordPress REST API allows developers to interact with WordPress using JavaScript and create custom APIs for applications. It is commonly used to build headless WordPress sites or single-page applications (SPAs).

32. What is the purpose of the .htaccess file in WordPress?

The .htaccess file is used for configuring settings at the server level. In WordPress, it is primarily used to manage permalinks but can also control redirects, security rules, and other server-related settings.

33. How do you optimize a WordPress database?

You can optimize a WordPress database by removing unnecessary data such as post revisions, spam comments, and unused tables. Plugins like WP-Optimize can automate this process.

34. What is a WordPress action hook, and how is it different from a filter hook?

An action hook allows you to add code at specific points in the execution of WordPress. A filter hook modifies data before it is displayed or saved.

35. How do you debug WordPress issues?

You can debug WordPress by enabling WP_DEBUG in the wp-config.php file, using browser developer tools, checking error logs, and deactivating plugins or themes to isolate issues.

36. What are transients in WordPress?

Transients are a way of storing temporary data in the WordPress database with an expiration time. They are used to improve performance by reducing the number of database queries.

37. How do you migrate a WordPress site?

To migrate a WordPress site, you need to transfer both the database and files to the new server. This can be done manually or using plugins like Duplicator or All-in-One WP Migration.

38. How do you handle version control for WordPress development?

You can handle version control for WordPress by using Git to track changes in your theme or plugin files and collaborating with other developers.

39. What is a nonce in WordPress?

A nonce is a “number used once” that helps protect URLs and forms from malicious use. It is used to verify that requests are coming from a legitimate source.

40. How do you use WordPress with a headless CMS setup?

In a headless CMS setup, WordPress is used only for content management, while a separate front-end framework (like React or Vue.js) is responsible for displaying the content via the REST API.


Mastering WordPress can greatly enhance your career prospects in web development, design, and content management. Whether you’re a fresher looking to get your first WordPress job or an experienced developer aiming to tackle advanced projects, understanding these top 50 WordPress interview questions will help you prepare for your next interview. Remember to brush up on behavioral questions as well as they differentiate you from other candidates.

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